User Guide


Each event you attend that uses uCONFLY will have its own event page. To view an event page, you must be signed in to uCONFLY and have joined the event.

Each event consists of one or more ‘sessions’, each of which will have a number of templates. These templates are the basis of documents you may create within the session, to ensure a consistent structure.

Joining an Event

In order to join an event on uCONFLY you will have to:

  1. Sign in to uCONFLY using your Google account
    1. Go to
    2. Click the ‘Sign in with Google’ button
    3. Follow the usual Google log in process
  2. Request to join the event
    1. On the main page of uCONFLY you will see a list of currently running events and events in the near future
    2. Click the ‘See Details’ button of the event you wish to join
    3. Click the ‘Signup’ button on the event page
    4. You may be required to get approval from an organiser to join the event - if so, please wait for them to approve your request

Though it is recommended to sign in with an existing Google account, you may create a uCONFLY account instead if you wish:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the ‘Sign in with a uCONFLY account’ tab
  3. If you have already created a uCONFLY account you may sign in here
  4. Otherwise click the ‘register’ link and fill in the form
    • It is important that you register with the same email address that you use to access Google Docs

Viewing Existing Documents

Once you have joined an event, you will be able to see documents that others have created and marked as complete. Documents may only be linked to a ‘session’ so, to view existing documents:

  1. Select a session to view in the ‘Sessions’ section of the event page
  2. In the ‘Documents’ table at the bottom of the session page you will see a list of documents that either:
    • Belong to you
    • OR you have been granted permission to edit
    • OR the owner has ‘registered’ as complete
  3. The ‘Detail’ button in the documents table will show you metadata about the document as stored in uCONFLY
  4. The ‘Go To File’ button in the documents table will take you to the document itself, usually stored in Google Docs

Creating Your Own Documents

In addition to seeing documents created by others, once you have joined an event, you will be able to create your own documents.

To create a new document from one of the session templates:

  1. Select a session to view in the ‘Sessions’ section of the event page
  2. In the ‘Templates’ section of the session page you will be able to see the templates available to you
  3. Select the template that is most relevant to the document you wish to create and click the ‘Request Instance’ button
  4. You will be required to provide a name for the new document and may optionally provide:
    • A brief description of the document
    • A list of event attendees who should receive permission to edit the document
    • Any other fields that the event organisers have added to the template
  5. You will be taken to the document details page, from there you may:
    • Edit the document metadata in uCONFLY
    • Delete the document
    • ‘Register’ the document as complete - this will make it visible to others
    • View/edit the document itself with the ‘Go To File’ button
  6. Once you have created the document it will be visible to you in the document table at the bottom of the session page
  7. Once you have finished editing the document you should ‘register’ it as complete - click the ‘Register’ button
    • You may be asked to provide some further information about the document during registration

In certain circumstances you may need to register a document that has not been created within uCONFLY. The main use case is to share presentation slides, or other notes that were prepared prior to attending the event.

The process of registering an external document is similar to that of creating a new one:

  1. Click the ‘Register External Document’ button at the bottom of the session page
  2. Provide a name, type and URL for the document - a description is optional, but recommended
  3. On the next page, if there are any required registration fields, provide further detail

Your Profile

Each user of uCONFLY has a profile page which lists events they have attended in the past and events they are signed up to attend in the future. If you have organised any events in uCONFLY these events will also appear on your profile page, in a separeate list.

Your profile page may be accessed at